Selected exhibitions
2024 Solo exhibition 'Essentially Unbound' Maya Frodeman Gallery, Jackson Hole WY USA. Two Solo exhibitions 'La Neige Blanche' Galleries Nuien & Metaphor Seoul KR. Group exhibition ''Discourse: art across generations and continents' Browngrotta, Wilton, USA. Presentation at Zanat, Salone del Mobile Milano, IT.
2023 Group exhibition 'It happened One Night' Tayloe Piggott Gallery USA. Group exhibition “Des Cheveux et des Poils, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris FR. Exhibition 'Re imagined', East Hampton, NY USA organized by FJ Hakimian. Group exhibition 'Hoe = het nu' ACEC, Apeldoorn. Exhibition 'Brons, verf en paardenhaar' Studio/galerie Ilse Oelbers. Exhibition 'Craft as Art' Galeria F&deO, Madrid SP. Group exhibition Ijkunst Collectief, Amsterdam.
2022 Solo exhibition 'Tactile Stories' Tayloe Piggott Gallery, Jackson Hole WY, USA. Group exhibition Browngrotta Arts, USA. Duo exhibition Marspoort Galerie, Zutphen. Group exhibition Art[s] Simone Jansen, Noordwijk.
2021 Group exhibition IJKunst Collectief #5, Nieuw Dakota, Group exhibition Marspoort Galerie, Zutphen.
2020 'Volume 50: Chronicling Fiber Art for Three Decades' Browngrotta Arts, USA.
2019 Group exhibition‘Identity + Intersection’ Browngrotta Arts, USA. Group exhibition ‘Textiles’ Messums West, Tisbury Wiltshire, UK. 'Open Stal' art event, Oldeberkoop.
2018 Group exhibition ‘Blue/Green: color/context/code’, Browngrotta Arts, Wilton, USA. Group exhibition ‘Well Worn’, Cavalli Gallery, Somerset West, SA. Group exhibition ‘Contemporary art and Rietveld design’, Post Erasmuslaan 5 Utrecht.
2017 LottoZero galery, Prato, IT. ’Tegendraads’ Does Interieurs, Laren NH. ‘Historisch vervlochten met MIJ’, Museum IJsselstein. ‘Still Crazy After All These Years… 30 years in art’, Browngrotta Arts, USA. Salone del Mobile, Palazzo Francesco Turati, Masterly Milano, IT.
2016 ‘Wild Things’, curated by L. Edelkoort & P. Fimmano, Texture museum, Kortijk BE. C-Lab, KunstWest Expo, Amsterdam. 'Klifhanger Festival', Texel. 'KunstOer' Winterswijk.
2015 'Influence and Evolution', Browngrotta Arts, Wilton USA. ArtZaanstad, Zaandam. 'Tactiel Textiel', Galerie Oranjerie POP UP, Goes.
2014 Solo exhibition:’Geknoopt, gekruld, gesteven en verward’, Het Leids Wevershuisje Leiden.
2013 Galerie Help U Zelve, Winterswijk.
2011 Solo exhibition, Het Glazen Huis, Amstelpark, Amsterdam. ‘Fairy Tale’, Dutch Design Hotel Artemis, Amsterdam.
2010 ’10 jaar Via Milano’, Oude Kerk, Amsterdam. ‘North meets South’, Konvex, Bern CH | ‘Kleur!’ Designhuis, Eindhoven. Salone Internazionale del Mobile, Milano Italy.
2009 Solo exhibition: FW:BK galerie, Amsterdam. ‘99% Stoer’, Dutch Design Hotel Artemis, Amsterdam. Salone Internazionale del Mobile, Milano Italy.
2008 100% Design Tokyo, Created in Holland, Japan. Galarie De andere Kant, Zutphen.
2006 Solo exhibition, Antigravite, Paris FR. Du-AG project space. München GER.
2005 Frozen Fountain, Amsterdam | Stroud Textiles Biennale, Stroud UK.
2003 ‘Making Tracks’ Rope Store Studio, Nailsworth UK.
2002 Chelsea Crafts Fair, London UK. ‘Westway Exhibition’, London UK.
1999 Amsteltuin, Amstelveen. ‘Debuut’ Pulchri Studio, Den Haag.
1999 – 2000 MA, Design for the Environment, Chelsea College of Art and Design, London UK.
1995 – 1999 BA, Textile Design. Royal Academy of Art, Den Haag NL
1992 - 1995 Mode & Kleding, MBO, Alphen aan den Rijn NL.
1998 Heavenly Blue, Amsterdam | Beppe Kessler, Amsterdam.
1997 Intensive Group Project; Project with Fachhochschule and Sacho Hesslein, Hannover GER.
1997 Exchange, Somerset School of Art and Technology, Taunton UK.
Selected projects
2018 Weaving for Jessica Brook Design, UK | Project weaving art pieces for Hyatt Regency Hotel, Chantilly, FR | fashion project, Charlotte Bakkenes.
2016 Designing and weaving five wall panels, Staffan Tollgard Design Group. London, UK.
2014 ‘Penny the painting that moves’
2011 Weaving items for fashion Designer, Steffie Christiaens Paris, FR.
2007 Weaving patterns. Kendix / vd Ploeg, Aarle Rixtel | Lectures – FLWK Textiles, Den Haag.
2005 – 2007 Weaving of fringes. Van Lathem, Templeuve FR.
2003 Lampshades, Todhunter Earle Interiors, London UK | 3 soundproof wall Decibel Designs, London UK.
1999 9 Window panels for a private residence, Boxtel.
2025 Publication monography by Japsam books.
2010 Transmaterial, Blaine Brownell. Princeton Architectural Press New York.
2008 Contemporary Textiles. Drusilla Cole. Laurence King Publishing Londen.
1998 “Met Wilhelmina aan tafel”, I. de Roode. pag 47-49.
Grants | subsidies
2007 Documentation sub. STROOM Centre of visual Arts, Den Haag
2006 Documentation sub. STROOM | Exhibition sub. STROOM.
2005 Exhibition sub. STROOM | Presentation and Individual sub. STROOM.
1999 VSB-grant | Vrije Vrouwe van Renswoude Foundation, Den Haag.
Sideline activities
2025 Lecture during the event 'Global Equine cultures', Cotsen Textile Traces Colloquium, George Washington University Museum & the Textile museum, Washington DC, USA | Workshop and Corocan School of Art and Design, Washington DC, USA.
2016-2018 Workshops Weaving. DIY Textile School, Amsterdam.
2010 Workshop ‘Wild met Materiaal’ Textielfestival, Leiden.
2009 ‘Made in Mongolia project’. August 4 weeks. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
2007 – 2009 Member of board Beehives, Vliegbasis Huygens Amsterdam.
2006 Lecture and tutorials – HFBK, Hamburg GER.
2005 – 2007 Member of board, accountmanager. Art Association Stand, Den Haag
2003 Stay of 6 months, Cape Town SA
Competitions | awards
2007 Nomination for an object made with Inge Simonis – Lehi.ka 1st International Contemporary Ceremics Competition, Spain.
1998 1st Price – Millenium Table Damask, Dutch Textiles Museum, Tilburg.
Arjan Benning, Theo Bos, Rogier Chang fotografie, Auke Hamers, Hay Hermans, Hans de Kort, Photo LAB71-Frieda Mellema, Boris Schmidt, Eddy Wenting.
Goddard Littlefair, Staffan Tollgard Design Group, Nicholas Varney, Jessica Brook Design, Decibel Designs, John Boyd Textiles, bas van pelt, DeSallesFlint Interior Design, SOTA Marketplace, Great American Art, Studio Lux Berlin, Studio Anansi, Club Pierre Bochard.
Upcoming February: - Lecture and workshop at the Corocan school of Art & Design. - Presentation 'Cotsen Textile Traces Colloquium - Global Equine Cultures' held at the George Washington University Museum, Washington DC, USA
- VÄV (Scandinavian Weaving Magazine) | nr. 2024
- Fiber Art Now | volume 13, issue 4, 2024
Available from 1st of October.
* Two art pieces which were part of the 'La neige Blanche' exhibition in Seouls last March were chosen to be part of an exhibition at The Chae, a 'Hanok' stay, where one can experience the traditional atmosphere of Korea. Curated by Al_Season
Selection sold pieces
(Wyoming, USA)
(Jackson Hole, USA)
(Wyoming, USA)
(Boise, Idaho, USA)
(Seoul, South Korea)
(Seoul, South Korea)
(Seoul, South Korea)
(Wyoming, USA)
(Wyoming, USA)
(Wyoming, USA)
(Wyoming, USA)
(Wyoming, USA)
(Wilton, USA)
(Huntington, West Virginia USA)
(Portland, Oregon USA)
telephone | +31 (0)6 15 25 48 40
email |
Represented by
Maya Frodeman gallery | Jackson Hole WY, USA
Browngrotta Arts | Wilton, CT USA
Galeria F&deO | Madrid, Spain
Member of the Michelangelo foundation
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